i am a blessed girl.
i am living on the tightest budget of my life. we are busier now than we have ever been. we have had crazy random & very expensive bills pop up since we moved. i am up to my eye balls in dirty laundry, dirty diapers & chaos. Jack & Jovie both have some crazy gross stomach bug & i haven't slept through the night in 2 weeks. i have no idea why i can't sleep but praise the Lord my kids are sleeping beautifully.
we are stressed out & worn out. we do not get regular date nights. i spend the majority of my time with 2 under 2. Ben is busting his rear trying to finish school & graduate in December. he is constantly having meetings with pastors & families b/c he is trying to raise money & support for our church plant, Revision Church. on the days that he is not at school or in meetings, he is working part-time at his brother's Lenny's sub shop. since our move, our income has decreased by $1600 a month and we have added the expense of rent. i am clipping coupons like crazy & buying used clothes on ebay to save money. i'm also making tutus & trying to sell them on etsy & ebay for a little extra cash. i worry, more than i should, about how we will make it financially until December. i know the Lord is faithful & He always provides. but its hard to keep sight of that right now. i'm just being honest.
Ben & I are confident that the Lord has called me to stay home with our children. we know we are being obedient in this area but it is definitely a sacrifice to the bank account. i am beyond thankful & overjoyed to be home each day with my kids, there is nothing i would rather be doing. but the Lord is definitely using this time to teach us how to trust Him. we, along with the other staff families in our church plant, have stepped out on complete faith in our God. we know that Revision Church is His will for our lives & the city of Olive Branch. we are thrilled to be serving Christ in this capacity but we are all making big sacrifices for this calling. we are seeking the Lord & begging Him for things to work out in His timing & in His way. but to be honest, we are also praying that we get the funding we need so we can survive. starting in January, the men will draw salary from the church plant & the amount depends on the support. we aren't seeking a crazy high salary, but we do need enough to live on. but i know, He is able. i keep telling myself, this crazy crazy budget is only for a couple more months. just make it until December & we will be ok. i know that our stresses don't end when the salary begins but i do feel like we'll have some breathing room at that point. i hate that we have to live off savings right now. but, its not the end of the world.
how can i say that i am blessed when i have just listed so many of our hardships? how can i feel completely content with where we are in life when i feel so stressed by our crazy lifestyle?! i tell you, it is only b/c of Christ. i truly believe that when you follow Him & submit yourself to His will for your life then contentment will abound. He hasn't called us to lavish lifestyles & a swollen bank account. but He has called us to serve, to go, to tell & to love. i have the most wonderful husband. he is a constant leader of our family & a devoted follower of Jesus. my children are crazy awesome. they are the sweetest most precious little creatures & i enjoy every moment with them. they even make me want a 3rd baby!! (but ben says not for another year!!! ha!) we have a wonderful support system in our family & friends. we are working with 3 incredible families in our church plant. we can't imagine walking this road with 3 sweeter couples.
the Lord is good. He is faithful. He is mighty. and He is working. i am humbled that He wants to include me in His plans. He has given me a blessed life. He hasn't promised that i won't have hard days, long weeks or stressful months. He never promised i would have a lot of money & He even called me to give what i have back to Him. but, i have never been more full. i have never had greater joy or a sweeter time with Him. He is teaching me & showing me so much in this time. i am thankful. so very thankful.
i just wanted to record what i am experiencing. i want to look back & remember this hectic but precious time in our lives. i'm sorry if i rambled. but i just wanted to give thanks, publicly to my gracious Father for my abundant life.
John 10:10
"the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
I love this post. Thanks for being so real about the stresses of life while still hanging on to the promises of the Lord. I love that you were so honest. Great post.
Beautifully written. We can all learn something from you. :)
Phil. 4:11-12--"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
I love your godly attitude. You're an incredible mom!
I am right there with you Auds. It seems like everyday we are getting more and more bills for things that have to be fixed on our house/medical bills/ ect. I agree with you that even when all that is going down, we still have way more than we deserve. I am so thankful for everything that I do have!
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