
Saturday, January 1, 2011


2011 is here. and i welcome it. i'm looking forward to all that the Lord has for me & my family in the 12 months ahead. things change so much in a year's time. so i want to be sure that at the end of this year, i can be found faithful with what the Lord has given me. that includes the time & people in my life.

at the end of December, i began praying about the things i can work on this year. the Lord has shown me some personal things & things within our family that we need to concentrate on. i'm just praying that the Lord gives me the grace to remember each one of these & truly try to keep my goals. at the end of this year, i want to be proud of all that the Lord has done, in & and through me. only He can give me the strength i need to honor Him.

my 2011 resolutions:

1. to grow deeper in my walk with Jesus. i want to study, in depth, 3 books of the bible.
2. to be a more patient & selfless mother
3. to serve Ben, first.
4. to cook healthier & eat healthier. we are going to try & go organic, as much as possible, without breaking our bank account! i'm giving up cokes & teas. i'm cutting way back on breads & sweets, my 2 weaknesses.
5. to exercise several times per week. i want to look better & feel better about my body. i'm not setting a specific weight loss goal b/c i don't want to be disappointed. but i definitely want to do my best to lose some weight.
6. to take more pictures of my family.
7. to blog more often
8. to meet our goals of specific dollar amounts to save each month
9. to buy the house that is best for us & our needs. to wait on the Lord's timing in this area.
10. to be a blessing to those in need. i've been praying for the Lord to open my eyes to people that are hurting so that i can try & meet a need in their life
11. to be more organized in my cleaning & upkeep of our home

these may seem like a lot to accomplish. but, i feel good about it. i think that with responsible time management, consistency & the Lord's grace, i can do this. i believe He is able.

thank you Lord, for a new year. help me to honor you with every moment.

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