
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day

this was my 4th Mother's Day. 5th if you count when i was pregnant with Jack. i'm always a little emotional around Mother's Day. i really do realize how blessed i am to be a mother. and recently the Lord is reminding me to soak in these little years. because while they can be hard, full of long days and sleepless nights; they are fleeting. one day my children will be middle schoolers and teenagers, college kids and then adults who are grown and out of my house. and i will long for the days of infancy, toddlerhood and preschool. i will long for the times that they want to snuggle with me, sit in my lap, listen to me sing to them or allow me to rock them to sleep. honestly, the thought of no longer having a baby or toddler in my house makes me want to cry. i just can't imagine it. i love these days so much. 

so on the days when i pity myself b/c i haven't showered or feel frustrated b/c i need a date night or a solo trip to Target or even just a private potty break i am convicted of my selfish spirit. i want to be sacrificial and available for my kids. outside of loving their daddy, i want to give to them first. even before i meet my next need. the Lord has given me a tremendous blessing in my kids. it truly is a JOY to raise them. and i need to remember that, every single day. 

this year for Mother's Day we went to church. it was Judah's first Sunday at church. and he did great. we had lunch with Ben's mom and dinner at my parents house. we came home exhausted but we had so much fun. Jack and Jovie love the days when they get to see both set of grandparents. they get doubly spoiled and doubly tired. ha!

some pictures from our day together:

my gift from Ben. i absolutely love it. its definitely my new favorite possession. 

me and my sweet, sweet Jovie Claire. i LOVE having a little girl.

Mother's Day picture. Take 1.

and take 2. i will take what i can get. ha!

thank you, Lord for motherhood. help me to never take it for granted. and help me to honor you with how i love my children.

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