
Friday, June 1, 2012

pictures from May

i can't believe that it is already June. where has the time gone?! i'm really looking forward to the rest of the year. we are going on vacation with Ben's family in just a few weeks and we are so ready for a break. we are also hoping to plan a family vacation for just us for later this year. we know where we want to go, we just need to book it. i'm excited.

May was pretty much just a transitional time for us. and i have a feeling that June is going to be that way as well. i'm trying to learn how to have a "new normal" of balancing 3 kids and their schedules along with doing housework, cooking and activities outside the home. its been a little difficult for me b/c i hate feeling like i'm falling behind in something, not getting stuff done or feeling unsure about what i'm doing. and i have felt all of these things this month. but i am slowly learning that the housework will get done, when i can get to it. its ok to not do everything everyday. i need to cut myself a break. and its ok that i'm unsure about a few things concerning Judah and his schedule. he is a newborn and we are both learning. things DO get easier. it just takes time. 

i really do feel like that overall, we have all adjusted pretty well. Jack and Jovie have been spending a little more time at home or indoors just because we have a new baby. and Judah is learning how to go with the flow on the days that we know Jack and Jovie really need to get out and have some other activity. and i think Ben and I are learning how to juggle our family with church, extended family and friends. 

i really hope i don't sound like i'm complaining. because i don't want to do that. the Lord has been so faithful to convict me when i need it. and help me to keep perspective and focus on what is important. i am enjoying this time with my kids. we have had some really good, really fun days.

here are the rest of the pictures i have from May:

my sweet friend, Christen, gave me a Moby Wrap. Judah loves it and its very convenient for me!

Jovie at the Bobo rehearsal dinner. such a beautiful girlie.

exhausted after a day of swimming

first bath after his umbilical cord fell off. he loves it.

getting so big

the Lord has used this verse over and over to help me keep focus

wearing Jack's old outfit

we have spent many afternoons at the park

Hey Jude!

me and my sweet Judah

so thankful for these days

1 comment:

Kacie said...

Such a sweet family! Love the pictures. You don't sound like you're complaining at all...just being honest about your feelings! :)

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