
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Judah's birth in pictures

we got so many pictures from Judah's birthday. i'm so thankful. and Katie took some amazing pictures of our family meeting Judah for the first time. but that will have to be a separate post b/c there are so many pictures!

i love getting to look at these and remember that sweet day!

Judah Haddon was born at 4:50 pm. 
7 lbs 5 oz
20 3/4 inches long
head full of dark hair!!

39 weeks 3 days. headed to the hospital!

in triage waiting to meet Judah

he's here!!!

getting cleaned up

getting weighed

exercising his lungs!

the nurses kept calling him "the skinny baby"

Ben's first time to hold Judah

my wonderful doctor,  Dr Williams. so glad she was able to deliver Judah
in the PICU. my first time to hold Judah

finally in our recovery room, waiting to see family


he had his eyes open a lot that day

sweet little face
headed home from the hospital on Friday afternoon

so excited to go home!

first car ride

Jack's first time to hold Judah
Jovie's first time to hold Judah

first nap at home

i'm just so thankful to have these memories!!!

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers