I can't believe how much my kids have grown since my last post about them in June. I have mixed feelings about my children growing up! :) fun to watch them learn, sad they aren't babies anymore!
Jack is almost 4 1/2 years old. WHAT??? He is 34 lbs & 41 inches tall. He's so much fun. so creative, independent, smart, tender hearted & funny. he loves learning and I'm so excited to begin the homeschool process with him next fall. for now, we are working on the basics. he's got his colors, letters, animals, shapes & most numbers. He can draw pretty well and he can write several letters. he loves tracing and he's great at memorizing. so proud of him! He's all boy: rough, rowdy, messy, loud & silly. he loves with his whole heart. he's doing a great job learning manners, helping around the house and he's very interested in spiritual things. what a blessing to my heart. He loves Jovie and Judah. he enjoys irritating Jovie. Ha! so thankful for how The Lord knew I needed him first!
Jovie turned 3 in January. she is 30 lbs & 39 inches tall. she is ALL girl. sassy, spunky, sweet, DRAMATIC, emotional, sensitive & nurturing. she has taught me so much lately. I adore her. The Lord is using her in a huge way in my life. I'm excited to teach her about biblical marriage & motherhood. She is so attached to me & she copies almost everything I do. she takes care of Judah and bosses Jack. Haha! and she just adores her daddy. everyday with her is hilarious and such a blessing.
Judah is 10 months old. He's 19 lbs & 29 inches tall. he is an absolute dream baby. I'm really not exaggerating here at all. He is so laid back, adjusts perfectly to everything, not demanding, sleeps like a boss (12+ hrs every night) plus 2 naps a day. he eats anything I give him, smiles every waking moment, plays contently, travels easily, loves his car seat, giggles all day and loves all of us so much. Ben and I can not get over how well he has done. We praise The Lord DAILY for our baby. I know he has a sin nature so he can't be perfect. but he's amazing. what a gift he has been to us. he has the most loving, cheerful spirit. we just feel so blessed.
I'm absolutely loving being mom to 3. It's really so much fun. we have crazy days and I'm never caught up on housework but everyday is a blessing. children really do make life sweeter. I love that The Lord knew I would need them and He has used them to teach me so much.
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